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Historical Studies

Interlibrary Loan

Current Stockton students, faculty and staff are eligible to use Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to obtain books, articles and other materials from other institutions, provided Stockton does not own the items.

ILLiad is the service for managing ILL requests. First-time users must create an account. After account creation, borrowers can enter new requests, track and complete, or cancel requests. 

Please check FlashFind for a resource before requesting it through Interlibrary Loan!

Borrowers are notified by email when materials arrive. Most articles are processed within 24-48 hours, books and videos can be picked up at the Library Circulation Desk, within 1-2 weeks of ordering.


Log in to ILLiad to submit, view or modify your request   Log in to the ILLiad Service

Procedures for Using ILL

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  • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is intended to supply loans of library materials and/or photocopies of portions of library materials that are not held in the Richard E. Bjork Library and that are needed for individual research or study.
  • ILL may not be used to request materials that are held in the Richard E. Bjork Library, unless that material has been declared to be missing or charged out.
  • ILL may be used to obtain photocopies to be placed on reserve but not to obtain loans to be placed on reserve.
  • ILL service is available to current Stockton students, faculty and staff.
  • There is no limit to the number of active ILL requests an authorized patron may make.
  • Fulfillment of ILL requests for undergraduate students is limited to libraries that do not charge for the service. If a graduate student request is not available for free, the maximum charge limit is $15. For faculty or staff requests, the maximum charge limit is $20. The Library pays such charges and does not pass them on to the patron.
  • All ILL requests must be made through ILLiad. Requests are not accepted in any other format.
  • Loan requests for certain types of material will not be accepted: large multi-volume titles, periodicals, books published in the current year, reference books, manuscript or archival materials, books in special collections whose loan would be restricted to in-library use, fragile material that requires special handling. Requests for dissertations or theses are accepted only when there is a circulating Interlibrary Loan Service Procedures copy of the dissertation or thesis available.
  • All photocopy requests must conform to the copyright law and guidelines of the United States.
  • Loans are kept at the Circulation Desk for patron pickup. Article PDFs are electronically delivered to the patron.
  • The length of the loan period for books is set by the lending library. Any request for a renewal of a loan must be made before the item becomes overdue, and the lending library may accept or reject the request. Renewal requests are made through the ILLiad system or by emailing or calling the ILL office.
  • Communication between the patron and the Library's ILL office is email based primarily. 
  • Stockton patrons are responsible for inspecting borrowed ILL material at the time it is picked up for existing damage, such as missing pages, torn pages, highlighting or other marks, stains or spots on any part of the material. Items that are damaged upon receipt should be reported to ILL staff before leaving the Library. Material that is returned with unreported damage will be presumed to have been damaged while in the possession of the patron.
  • Stockton patrons are responsible for returning borrowed ILL materials on time. If a loan becomes overdue by 7 days, a hold will be placed on the patron’s record in Stockton's Banner system, as well as on their Library and ILL accounts.
  • If a lending library should levy an overdue fine or a charge for a loan that is lost or damaged during the ILL process, the charges will be passed on to the patron. If a patron fails to pay ILL charges, a hold will be placed on the patron's Stockton record.
  • Access to ILL service is a privilege, not a right. The Library reserves the right to refuse ILL service to any Stockton patron who, in the judgment of Library's management, has failed to abide by these procedures.

5 Minute Introduction


OCLC Express Library

Interlibrary Loan Department
Richard E. Bjork Library
Stockton University
101 Vera King Farris Drive
Galloway, NJ  08205-9441
Office: E-117
Phone: 609-652-4350
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