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Renovation Information: Services during Renovation

Services during Renovation

Service Status Details
Borrowing & Returning Print Books
To borrow a book, please request the title at the Library Services Desk; or place a hold request on the title in FlashFind. Library staff will retrieve the book and check it out to you.
Books can be returned to the Library Services Desk.
Classrooms in the Library
Library classrooms are not in service during the renovation.
Computer & Database use for non-Stockton Community borrowers
Community borrower computers will still be accessible during the renovation.
Computers & Laptops
There are computers in the library space in C/D Atrium. More PCs may be added in various campus locations. Laptops can be borrowed from ITS Help Desk (D-121).
Course Reserves
Course Reserves will be accessed at the Library Services Desk as usual. Faculty can place an item in reserve as normal.
Electronic Collections (Databases, EJournals, EBooks)
Our databases, ejournals, and ebooks are accesible online as usual.
A-Z Database List
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan / ILLiad are running as usual. Requested physical items can be picked up and returned at the Library Services Desk.
Library Instruction
Faculty can request library instruction sessions as usual. Sessions will need to be held in the classroom or via Zoom. Faculty may need to book a computer lab for the session.
Library Learning Commons
The Learning Commons is in C/D Atrium.
The microfiche/microfilm are accessible in C/D Atrium.
Print Magazines & Journals
Physical magazine and journal access is unavailable. Use our electronic collections and/or request articles through Interlibrary Loan.
Printers & Scanners
Printers and scanners are in C/D Atrium.
Quiet Study Space
The University will provide additional seating and tables throughout campus to make up for library study rooms being unavailable.
TBA. We are working on identifying spaces for quiet study.
Research Consultations
Research consultations will continue as usual. Please note the location of the librarians' office may have changed.
Book a consultation
Study Rooms
Library study rooms are not in service during the renovation.
TBA. We are working on identifying bookable spaces for small group study.
University Archives & Special Collections
The services at the Special Collections are available by appointment and can be booked online via this webpage: Make an appointment