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Using the Library: Request from Another Library

Request from Another Library (Interlibrary Loan)

Need something our library doesn’t have? No problem!

With our interlibrary loan service, you can borrow books, articles, and more from other libraries.

Here’s how it works: We’ll send you an email as soon as your item arrives. 

Let us help you get what you need, quickly and easily!

Request or Download Resources Button - Links to Interlibrary Loan Menu

New to Interlibrary Loan? Check out these basics:


  • Go to Request from Another Library in our
    Help & Services menu

  • Click on the Request or Download Resources button located in the middle of the page

  • Sign in using your Stockton credentials
  • Fill out the registration form with your:
    • Name
    • Stockton Z#
    • Stockton Email Address
    • Phone Number
    • Type of Student
Borrow from Another Library Button in the Help and Services menu


  • If a FlashFind search result doesn’t give you full-text access to an article, click on the Request from Interlibrary Loan link.
  • Submit your request, and you’ll get updates in your Stockton email.
  • Some of our databases will also provide this link if the full text isn't available.
Request an item from another library button on an article's landing page in Flashfind


  • You will get an email when your items are ready
  • Download PDFs from the ILL portal


  • Pick up physical books at the Library service desk
Select View when your item is ready to download



  • Click on the New Requests menu button

  • Select what kind of resource you are looking for

  • Fill out the form with as much information as you can

  • Click Submit when finished

Make a new request using the New Requests button on the ILL homepage menu


Additional Important Information

We’re here to help you access the resources you need—just be sure to follow these simple rules to keep everything running smoothly! 

  • Access books, articles, and more from other libraries. Requests must follow U.S. copyright laws and limits.
  • You can request as many items as you need. Loan periods vary by library; renewals are up to them.
  • For undergraduate students, we will cover up to $25 in copyright fees or royalties.
    For our faculty and grad students, we will cover up to $50.
  • Check items for damage when picking them up and report any issues immediately.
  • Overdue by 7 days? A hold will be placed on your Stockton record.
  • Lost or damaged items may result in charges and a hold on your record.
  • Service may not be used to obtain books for reserve or an entire semester.
  • Remember, ILL access is a privilege—please follow these guidelines.