Notify Circulation immediately if you're unable to return a borrowed library item. Be sure to search your home, office, and car thoroughly. If the item is indeed lost, you'll be charged the Lost/Damaged Item Charge.
Borrowers are held responsible for library materials checked out in their name. It's a good practice to inspect materials for damage (e.g., torn or missing pages, highlighting, stains, warped book cover) and, if any is found, notify Circulation staff prior to check out. Library staff also attempt to check the condition of all material prior to check out, and again once it is returned. Any damage is noted in the item record and repaired, if possible. If the staff find damage that was not previously noted, the borrower (who just returned the item) will be charged the Lost/Damaged Item Charge.
The current Lost/Damaged Item Charge, as approved by the Board of Trustees, is $45.00 per item. The amount of the charge does not vary according to the amount of damage or the replacement cost of the item. Each volume is considered an individual item.
The Lost/Damaged Item Charge is separate from an Overdue Fine. Everyone is subject to Lost/Damaged Item Charges. Students, alumni, and community borrowers who incur Lost/Damaged Item Charges have their borrowing privileges suspended until the charge is paid. Students who are assessed this charge also have a hold placed on their student record. Faculty and Staff who are leaving the employ of the University and have unpaid library charges will address the Lost/Damaged Item Charge in the course of their exit interview. Community borrowers may be suspended from further borrowing for one year.
A Lost/Damaged Item Charge that is in arrears for six months will be referred to the New Jersey Division of Taxation for recovery through the SOILS program. This program places a lien on any personal income tax refund due to a New Jersey resident.