Academic Search CompleteThis link opens in a new windowOffers a multidisciplinary collection of full-text journals, providing users access to critical information from many sources unique to this database. This database is a leading source of peer-reviewed, full-text articles. Advanced Searching on EBSCOhost - Tutorial
American Historic Newspapers, 1789-1925This link opens in a new windowFree access to over 1,680 American historic newspapers from 1789-1925, hosted by the Library of Congress.
Communication & Mass Media CompleteThis link opens in a new windowCommunication & Mass Media Complete offers full text and cover-to-cover indexing for journals covering communication, mass media, linguistics, rhetoric, language, logic, and other closely related fields.
Early American Newspapers, College EditionThis link opens in a new windowSearch using either the timeline or topic search to find news, eyewitness accounts and pro/con articles of events, issues and daily life from the colonies to World War I and other eras. Also included are illustrations, advertisements, classifieds, birth and marriage announcements, obituaries, stories about historic people and other articles exactly as they appeared in print .
JSTORThis link opens in a new windowJSTOR is a digital library of academic content in many formats and disciplines. The collections include top peer-reviewed scholarly journals as well as respected literary journals, academic monographs, research reports from trusted institutes, and diverse primary sources.
New York Times (1980 to the present)This link opens in a new windowThis is considered the official U.S. newspaper because it publishes the complete text of important documents, speeches and presidential press conferences. The paper's reporters have won scores of Pulitzer Prizes throughout the publication's 150-year history.
Press of Atlantic City (NewsBank)This link opens in a new windowThe Press of Atlantic City, an award winning newspaper, is a source of local and regional news and information for southeastern New Jersey.
Sage PremierThis link opens in a new windowSearch for academic journals in the fields of business, humanities, social science, science, technology and medicine.
Wall Street JournalThis link opens in a new windowUsers have access to top news stories and the information contained on the various sections of the paper. The indexing covers not only complete bibliographic information but also companies, people, products, etc.
Britannica concise encyclopediaThis link opens in a new windowComprehensive and engaging, the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia has comprehensive coverage on a variety of subjects including, arts, business, geography, history, literature, philosophy, politics, pop culture, science, sports, and more.
Credo General ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowProvides full-text online versions of hundreds of top quality reference books in all major subjects. Includes bilingual and biographical dictionaries.
Oxford Reference: PremiumThis link opens in a new windowOxford Reference offers full text access to numerous dictionaries and encyclopedias by Oxford University Press as well as selected titles from the Oxford Companion series.
Communications Non-Print Media Databases
Films on Demand: Master Academic collectionThis link opens in a new windowFoD has titles from more than 1,200 international producers to bring a wide variety of videos to suit the unique instructional needs of every subject.
Malecki, Piotr. Television studio of Polish news network TVN24. 2009. Panos Pictures. via JSTOR.