Congrats, Natalie!

Natalie Wadley was recently promoted from Library Systems Coordinator to Assistant Director of Systems and Technical Services. In this new position, she continues her day-to-day systems management work of maintaining library hardware and providing software administration and support. She also now supervises four full-time staff, including our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) department, Acquisitions staff, and our Copy Cataloger. Natalie has also helped organize and plan the renovation as part of the university’s renovation committee. She extensively inventoried our assets to ensure sufficient accommodations for relocated faculty and staff during renovation. She coordinated the interim library spaces by managing the temporary relocation of books, furniture, and tech—and did all of this while simultaneously planning for the post-renovation library space. Natalie’s wealth of knowledge and expertise in the areas of systems and technical services experience are invaluable to our library. Natalie can be contacted at