Welcome Cheyenne text with image of Cheyenne

Please join us in welcoming Cheyenne Riehl, our new Student Success Librarian! Along with the rest of our librarians, Cheyenne is responsible for library instruction, collection development, and serving as a subject librarian. As Student Success Librarian, she will also specialize in assisting EOF, Global Education, and international students.

Cheyenne holds both a BS in Evolutionary Anthropology and a Master of Information with a concentration in Library Information Science, and she will be joining Natalie as the subject librarian for Biochemistry/Molecular Biology, Biology, Chemistry, Coastal Zone Management, Environmental Science & Studies, Geology, Marine Science, Mathematics, Sociology, Sustainability, and Anthropology.  She has previously worked for Rutgers University, The University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Ocean County College.

If you'd like to reach out to Cheyenne, you can find her contact information on her Meet a Librarian page.