Congratulations to our Outreach Librarian, Joyce DeStasio, and User Experience Librarian, Eric Jeitner, on the publication of their article "Revise, RedUX, Re-cycle: Iterative Website Usability Studies in an Assessment Cycle" in the journal Performance Measurement and Metrics. The article is a case study on the iterative library website usability study that Joyce and Eric did during the Fall semesters of 2021 and 2022. They found that users performed better when the website provided multiple access points to the same information, displayed a prominent chat feature, limited the amount of text on a given page, and avoided library jargon. Not only was the second round of testing important for confirming that first-round recommendations were effective, but also it proved useful in catching a problem with the site that was unintentionally created during the time between tests.
If you are interested in learning more, please email Joyce or Eric for access to the article or to ask any questions you may have.