ACM Digital LibraryThis link opens in a new windowThe Association for Computing Machinery contains full-text articles and bibliographic literature covering computing and information technology. User Guide
Computer and Information Systems AbstractsThis link opens in a new windowThis database provides comprehensive, worldwide literature on the latest research and practical applications in the field of computer science and information systems technology. It is part of the Advanced Technology and Aerospace database.
ScienceDirect This link opens in a new windowFull-text abstracts and articles from all fields of science. Most journal articles become available immediately after peer review and before the printed versions are issued. Additionally, this database offers multimedia features not available in print journals, such as video, audio and spreadsheet files.
Credo General ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowProvides full-text online versions of hundreds of top quality reference books in all major subjects. Includes bilingual and biographical dictionaries.
Oxford Reference: PremiumThis link opens in a new windowOxford Reference offers full text access to numerous dictionaries and encyclopedias by Oxford University Press as well as selected titles from the Oxford Companion series.
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