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Jessica Martorano

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Jessica Martorano
As the Access and Engagement Coordinator, Jess’s responsibilities include working internally and externally to expand the reach of the library and its resources, maintaining our social media accounts, and coordinating student/faculty learning programs, supervising student advisory committees, and providing public library services.

Jess is a two-time Stockton alum, earning her Master of Arts (MA) degree in American Studies and a BA in English. She also serves as adjunct faculty in the School of General Studies and stars in many library TikToks. Previously, she worked at Stockton as an Undergraduate Student Worker, Graduate Student Aide, and South Jersey Culture & History Center Outreach Liaison here in the Library. Jess worked heavily on Stockton’s 50th Anniversary Exhibit during her time as a student and focused a lot of that time on the Osprey mural in the Campus Center. Jess's love for libraries and Stockton help her grow the relationship between the library and the community.


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