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profile-icon Joyce DeStasio
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Shelves of Archival MaterialsOn Friday, January 26, Bjork Library hosted a group of K-12 educators for a workshop on using Special Collections in the classroom. Part of the "Why the Humanities Matter" series, it was sponsored by the Southern Regional Institute (SRI) and Educational Technology Training Center (ETTC) at Stockton. 

Special Collections Librarian Heather Perez and Professor of Literature Thomas Kinsella led the group in exploring some of our local history special collections. The teachers had the opportunity to do hands-on research and planning with the collections, as they came up with ideas to use in their classrooms.

Ideas included: 

  • Having students create a map or tourist brochure to distribute in their schools identifying special historical places in their local community;
  • Using 1940s newspapers to compare journalism and advertising to today's styles;
  • Analyzing letters from the 1830s to learn about life at that time, local events, and the economy;
  • Teaching environmental awareness by having students listen to a recorded oral history describing how dirty the beach was in the 1970s and then having students participate in an annual beach cleanup; and
  • Using photographs of local places to teach about segregation. 

The educators in the workshop enjoyed being students for the day and especially enjoyed getting to work with and explore our special collections. Our Special Collections are available to anyone in the community, and we invite everyone to visit.

profile-icon Joyce DeStasio
No Subjects

Congrats Jaimelyn Please join the library in congratulating Jaimelyn Lombardo, our new Electronic Resources Coordinator!

If Jaime looks familiar, that's because she was a student here and has worked in the library in various roles for the past 17 years! In 2006, she came to Richard E Bjork Library while working on her Bachelor's Degree in Literature (2011 Alumni, Go Ospreys!). She worked in the Circulation Department until 2014 when she transitioned to Technical Services and was most recently our Electronic Resources & Periodicals Specialist.

In her new role as Electronic Resources Coordinator, Jaime will be responsible for providing leadership and strategic management, managing the lifecycle of online journals, e-books, databases, and streaming media. She will also ensure the library's discovery service accurately reflects e -resource holdings from local purchases and subscriptions, consortial arrangements, and other sources. In addition, she will maintain and improve e-resources access; diagnose and troubleshoot access and linking problems; and serve as the library's point of contact for access issues. 

Jaime can be contacted at

profile-icon Joyce DeStasio
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Joyce at podiumOn Friday, January 5, Outreach Librarian, Joyce DeStasio, presented on a panel of five librarians from all over New Jersey, as part of the Marketing & Outreach section of the NJLA-CUS/ACRL-NJ. Panelists shared marketing and outreach initiatives that build community and support student success while shaping the future of academic libraries as dynamic hubs for learning and innovation. Panelists discussed their experiences planning exhibits that build community and encourage interactivity as well as programming that supports inclusivity and diversity. Joyce spoke about Bjork Library’s interactive exhibit Your Library: Then, Now, Next, discussing the work that went into conceptualizing, producing, and marketing the exhibit–and what was learned in the process. Visit the exhibit on the first floor of the library today.                        

profile-icon Joyce DeStasio
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Side by side images of people sitting around a tableAt the NJ Academic Libraries Conference on January 5, librarians Cheyenne Riehl and Heather Perez each led a Round Table discussion that complemented one another. While Cheyenne’s session focused on library instruction and research for specific subject areas, Heather’s analyzed collection development for specific subject areas. Both moderators led their group discussions on the challenges librarians face when taking on new subject matter and used this time to establish collaborative online groups for sharing advice and resources. These two sessions invited conference attendees to share ideas, tips, and tricks–and leave with more!

Feel free to reach out to Cheyenne or Heather to learn more or join their online groups.

profile-icon Joyce DeStasio
No Subjects

Jeff, Joyce and Eric stand next to posterOn Friday, January 5, librarians Jeff Ge, Joyce DeStasio, and Eric Jeitner presented a poster at the NJ Academic Libraries Conference. This poster explores Bjork Library’s pilot project to integrate subject guides into the Blackboard LMS in order to enhance technology, foster community engagement, and ultimately contribute to student success. In today’s rapidly evolving educational environment, university libraries continuously seek innovative ways to support student learning. The integration of library resources and services with the institution’s learning management system (LMS) is a crucial component in achieving this goal. The librarians learned a lot from this pilot project and are hoping to put these practices into use with the greater campus community in the coming months. Click here to read the poster.

profile-icon Joyce DeStasio
No Subjects

Nicole stands next to posterOur Technical Library Assistant - Copy Cataloger, Nicole Barnabei, presented a poster at the NJ Academic Libraries Conference on Friday, January 5. The poster focused on Bjork Library’s use of Baker and Taylor’s Sustainable Shelves Program and our responsibility to provide current research materials for students and faculty. Keeping a collection current requires deaccessioning of books, which can be a daunting task requiring planning, labor, and resources. Nicole asks, “How do we preserve the integrity of the collection but stay environmentally friendly?” and examines how our library utilizes Baker and Taylor’s Sustainable Shelves program to responsibly dispose of outdated and damaged library materials. Click here to review Nicole’s poster.                

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