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profile-icon Joyce DeStasio
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Photo of Pat

Richard E. Bjork Library wishes a fond farewell to Patricia Fazio – our Electronic Resources Coordinator. Pat retired at the end of March after eight years with us. She maintained our journal list and online coverage in our FlashFind catalog. She was also our liaison to the Criminal Justice and Social Work programs, among others. She worked with the Economic Inequality Initiative locating resources. We extend best wishes to our valued colleague and friend in this next chapter of her life, during which she hopes to spend time with family, garden, make updates to her home, travel, and visit us, of course! 

Pat’s subject areas have been reassigned, and you can find updated subject area assignments on our Meet a Librarian page.

profile-icon Joyce DeStasio
No Subjects

Eric and Joyce with their Poster, Scholarly Activity icon on image

In March, Eric Jeitner & Joyce DeStasio presented their poster on the Library Website Usability Study at the Association of College & Research Libraries 2023 Conference in Pittsburgh. Their poster, "The Power of Two: Advantages of Conducting a Usability Study – and Then Conducting It Again," was selected for this national conference through a rigorous selection process in which only 66% of poster session submissions were selected for presentation. The poster presentation had a great turnout with a lot of interest and questions from the conference attendees. Eric and Joyce also presented their poster at Stockton’s Celebration of Scholarship on April 24, 2023. If you want to learn more about the Library's Usability Study and its findings, click here to view the poster.

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